





December 15

About me

We are in the business of Developing and Promoting alternative products in Bio plastics such as carry bags and waste bin liners, Magazine covers etc., Disposable Paper cups,Glasses,carry home food packaging products, Indigenous In-vessel composters, Waste management Bins and MSWM Systems along with alternative Energy Products and Systems. It is my pleasure to introduce Green Technology Products and Services as an initiative to Prevent & Control Pollution of natural resources & atmosphere and save the Earth for our future generations to come. We provide solutions to control and eliminate pollution by designing and developing Eco friendly products and systems with world-class Products and Technologies available, for a better tomorrow with an environment friendly & sustainable platform for a healthy, safe & greener earth. The best solution for anyone who is in waste management is collection, segregation and recycling of any recyclable waste at source and composting of the organic kitchen waste at source... We would like to have your support in developing CDM Projects and work on developing actual data on emissions management with respect to the benefits of a Decentralized System for at source, Integrated MSWM and develop sustainable projects , with Economic viability, Carbon Credits ,benefits of taking this as a CDM/CSR/HSE/ISO activity for Pollution control , with a social and economic impact in the long run considering reduction of fuel consumption in transportation of MSW & control of fuel emissions due to transportation of MSW , Landfill issues Health , Safety & Environmental issues of Rag pickers and Municipal conservancy workers , Animals and the Population around the landfill sites, Positive impact on Air, Land and Water resources, with your inputs and suggestions. Bio-plastic Bin liners and carry bags, Paper bags, Disposable Crockery and cutlery are 100% compostable and can go into the compost pit or Compost pits/In vessel composters along with organic compostable waste collected in them. Ideally, you should collect, sort and segregate the recyclables at source and send them to the appropriate recycling agency. All organic wet waste & food waste from your kitchen should be collected in the compostable bags/Bin liners for composting. We have done this exercise in our housing colony with 76 flats very successfully since the last 12 months and intend to put a composing system in operation soon to achieve a ZERO WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM !! We have a very fine range of Waste management Bins, which are of proven International standards and most suitable for Municipal Solid Waste Management, Outdoor and Indoor waste management in corporate offices, Public spaces, Airports, Malls and Cinema theaters. We also have a range of alternative energy products and solutions from Tata BP Solar India Ltd and are working on developing waste to energy solutions . We now look forward to promote our products along with at source, Integrated Domestic solid waste management systems along with our range of products in Housing Societies and Industrial Townships all over the country along with Alternative Energy Products and solutions. A few thoughts on going green and starting from your home!! The world's annual consumption of plastic materials has increased from around 5 million tonnes in the 1950s to nearly 100 million tonnes today. Create interest and awareness among people to stay green!!! Say no to plastic bags & packaging materials in municipal waste. REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE, AND COMPOST ORGANIC WASTE AT SOURCE. Best regards, For, GREEN TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Viraf S Mehta Tel - 91-9022731742 Email - viraf@gtpsonline.com , virafmehtain@yahoo.co.in Website- www.gtpsonline.com







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