





October 16



About me

• A track record of successful Deal Sales & Negotiations, • A strong understanding of Outsourcing, • Have the ability to work in large multi faceted Deal teams. • Strong network to suppliers, with over 3000 Vietnamese service providers




SToday Corp



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  • Our companies are located in USA and UK and focus on corporate consulting and offshore outsourcing. We have our facilities in Philippines (voice and non-voice), India (accounting and voice), Ghana (processing), and USA (voice and nonvoice). Once of our clients is interested in increasing their seats with us if we can manage to setup a Vietnamese - English speaking facility. Would you be interested in discussing this possible venture in more detail? My skype is: scoremore5

    Thank you
  • Hi

    I am Sunil Malu, CEO & Managing Director of Credence BPO Pvt Ltd Kolkata,India

    We have a present setup of 60 seats x 3 shifts & can expand to 250 - 300 seats. Looking for association & professional relationship. Looking ahead for further conversation from your end.

    you can mail me on sunil.malu@credencebpo.com

    Skype me : sunilmalu

  • Hope all are doing good…. We all are got a very good platform to discuss about the opportunities in the BPO & Call Center Industry….Here every one’s goal is to get the right opportunities…for our growth as well as Industrial growth, If Industry growing well then Obviously we all together will be growing… So we need to put our effort to built a strong and genuine business network…Every one should take a oath, for the same to stop the scam in this Industry.….Wish you all the very best and Take this oath today itself…
  • Pls upload your profile photo..thanks
  • Hello,
    Glad for having you here..Pls invite all your friends too.
    Have a great day!

    W E L C O M E !
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