We have English to Tamil & Telugu Translation process available. No upfront. Interested centres may send their company profile along with contact details to teck.tri@gmail.com
At the moment have outbound voice processes.
Non-voice is a very high risk fraudlent so im not dealing unless i get a genuine on.
if ur interested in voice let me know
No of seats: 1 Slot = 10 seats (Minimum)
workload: 3,000 forms per TAT per seat.
Payment per form: 4.0 INR
Accuracy matrix
98% - 100% 100% payout
98% - 96% 60% payout
Below 96% No pay
TAT : 8 Days
QC : 7 days
Payment cycle: 15 days
Traning : Provided
Technical support: Available
Upfront : Rs. 60,000. (BG)
Please go through the details and revert back to me asap
Feel free to contact me for any clarification.
Someone once approached Blaise Pascal, the famous French philosopher and said, "If I had your brains, I would be a better person." Pascal replied, "Be a better person and you will have my brains."
Parijat Mullick
Business Head
TechPlaceSolutions www.techplacesolutions.com
Corporate Office : 802/C, Block A, Lake Town, Kolkata - 700089. WB, INDIA
Mobile : 9836848333
Office : 03340664138
Fresh Calling Data Available...For Outbound Processes...
Data Available on request..
At 8paise INR..
Bulk can get better Deal..
Min Quantity 2Lack.US..Canada..India.UK..
Best Leads for Survey,Debt Management,Injury,
Debt Settlement,PC Support,Insurance,Collection,Credit Cards.....
Reliable Leads Contract on mothly basis available...
Also Available VOIP Minutes and DIALER..
Call Centre Setup Available on consulting basis..
Live Setups availale for demo..
Available Debt Management Process..
Fell free to contact
Sam Menezes
Email -: sammenezes9@gmail.com
My Skype Id -: sammenezes9
Gtalk-: sammenezes9
Mobile no-09769246502..
Process Name: PULSE VOICE
Per Lead: $10
Total Slots: 10 Slots (per slot 10 system)
Payment: 18 day’s once
Lead: Leads will be provided
Calling Minute and Dialer will be provided
Direct Sign up with the Company, In this training will be provided by direct client.
Skype: zaheer.nike
Gtalk: detailsofourjobs1
Call @ 9141787066
We have English to Tamil & Telugu Translation process available. No upfront. Interested centres may send their company profile along with contact details to teck.tri@gmail.com
Click Here for Happy Birthday Comments

CLICK HERE TO JOINAt the moment have outbound voice processes.
Non-voice is a very high risk fraudlent so im not dealing unless i get a genuine on.
if ur interested in voice let me know
No of seats: 1 Slot = 10 seats (Minimum)
workload: 3,000 forms per TAT per seat.
Payment per form: 4.0 INR
Accuracy matrix
98% - 100% 100% payout
98% - 96% 60% payout
Below 96% No pay
TAT : 8 Days
QC : 7 days
Payment cycle: 15 days
Traning : Provided
Technical support: Available
Upfront : Rs. 60,000. (BG)
Please go through the details and revert back to me asap
Feel free to contact me for any clarification.
Someone once approached Blaise Pascal, the famous French philosopher and said, "If I had your brains, I would be a better person." Pascal replied, "Be a better person and you will have my brains."
Parijat Mullick
Business Head
Corporate Office : 802/C, Block A, Lake Town, Kolkata - 700089. WB, INDIA
Mobile : 9836848333
Office : 03340664138
Data Available on request..
At 8paise INR..
Bulk can get better Deal..
Min Quantity 2Lack.US..Canada..India.UK..
Best Leads for Survey,Debt Management,Injury,
Debt Settlement,PC Support,Insurance,Collection,Credit Cards.....
Reliable Leads Contract on mothly basis available...
Also Available VOIP Minutes and DIALER..
Call Centre Setup Available on consulting basis..
Live Setups availale for demo..
Available Debt Management Process..
Fell free to contact
Sam Menezes
Email -: sammenezes9@gmail.com
My Skype Id -: sammenezes9
Gtalk-: sammenezes9
Mobile no-09769246502..
How can i help you?
You can reach me @ 9985873094