





May 24



About me

I am curious, versatile and lively with a lot of mental energy. And also probably a smooth talker and never shy about expressing my ideas and opinions on whatever topic is on hand.I love to explore new ideas and to mentally challenge my self. Mind games are just up my alley. I am thoughts move very fast, skipping from one idea to the next.In this is hard to pin down.My thoughts and opinions are always changing, in part because I always acquiring new knowledge.The other part is because I am also very adaptable.Anything set in stone loses appeal for me.For my life is a journey, to gather new and exciting ideas and thoughts.Few things will make as irritable to me as others trying to tie me down to anything. In the same manner, matters in romantic.Besides,I love to discover new things and routines, stability and structure bore to tears. As a Gemini,I am quick to adopt to new situations and are great at fitting in with any occasion.My lively,youthful and engaging personality is often widely appreciated by others. "GemStoneMercury"


Saudi Telecomunications Company. (S.T.C) KSA Riyadh


Network Survellance Control

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