




About me

Skyebell Support Services provides world-class Administrative Support Services for small and medium scale companies. Our core strength lies in our highly skilled support professionals who have extensive 12+ BPO experience and training from various industries in the outsourcing sector. Other strengths include the experiences drawn from multiple international clients and the "Best Practices" followed by them. We take pride in our team’s combination of skills to create a highly accurate quality audited environment.


Skyebell Support Services



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  • Hi..
  • Hey Michael,

    How are you?

    Please call me @ 9818755001 if you are really interesred for home Based projects

  • Hi,

    This is Sam Menezes..

    If you needs UK Leads for Outbound Calls..

    Kindly contact me..

    Will offer you the chaepest deals on Data..

    The Best Qualified Leads in UK Market..

    For Processes like Survey,Lead Generation,Sales,Insurance,Collection...

    Sam Menezes
    Feel free to contact me
    mobile-: 09769246502
    email -: sammenezes9@gmail.com

    My Skype Id -: sammenezes9
    Gtalk-: sammenezes9
  • Hi Michael,

    I would like to discuss some project with you, you can contact me through skype at eonz2007
  • Dear Michael,

    Please provide your contact number, i like to call and tell u in detail, how this project is designed.

  • Please invite all your friends to join on our site. Thanks!
  • Hello,

    Glad for having you here..Pls invite your friends too.
    Have a great day!

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