





March 30



About me

In the Netherlands am active as an independent tax adviser and accountant supporting Dutch companies, small business people and organisations with taxes, accounts and with drafting their financial reports and tax statements. I also have extensive experience as a consultant in fields ranging from accountancy, auditing, taxes and human resource management up to organisational analysis, organisational advice and programme identification and evaluation. This was build up : • in the Netherlands as Tax Auditor and trainer for the Dutch Revenue Service as well as • in Africa as Financial Controller of Muzama Crafts Ltd in Zambia, programme evaluator of the programme institution Malawi against Polio, administrative reorganiser of the Provincial Water Board of Huila Province in Angola and as auditor and evaluator the of the multi-annual food programme in Mozambique. • in Asia as administrative analyst of HealthNet International in Pakistan and Afghanistan, from 2004 till 2007 as the advisor in an EC project in the Ministry of Education of Cambodia for Internal Audit & Accounting. • in South America as institutional and sectoral analyst of SIBTA, the Bolivian System for Agricultural Technology • and in Eastern Europe as coordinator of NGO programs in Albania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine for NOVIB – Oxfam Netherlands. During 2001/2002 as the co-ordinator of the programme to strengthen the State Audit Office of Estonia in the framework of Estonia’s Access to the EC. In 2003 I formulated the programme to support the Tax Office of Romania with its adaptation to EC standards. I prepared the Terms of Reference of the programme for the Modernisation of the Public Revenue Agency (Tax Office) of Serbia. In 2008 I wrote the Terms of Reference and a Twinning fiche for the Ministry of Finance and the Public Revenue Office in Macedonia in the framework of the accession to the EC.




Maessen Boekhouding & Belastingen (Accountancy & Taxes)


owner / senior expert

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  • Dear Maessen
    Welcome. I have large network source of call center connection and good reputation in BPO/KPO/LPO/RPO and other vertical lines
    Do let me know if i could be of any help or we could work on outsourcing platform and /or any campaigns and projects of any kind, if any.
    Do let me know your thoughts on it
    You can check my profile
    Regards Delete Comment
  • ""Hope you are fine. Hi, let me know if we could explore opportunities, if there is anything we can work together could be of help, for both. Kindly check my profile""
  • Hi Sef,

    How are you doing today? Thanks a lot for accepting my invitation, I truly appreciate it.

    You are a valuable asset to any network, and we are pleased to have you with us. You can share your thoughts here and don’t hesitate to join on some discussions and forums. Please invite some friends to be one of us.Enjoy the site and have a great day always.


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    Glad for having you here..Pls invite all your friends too.
    Have a great day!
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