



Kolkata,West Bengal


January 22



About me

I am an like anyone else. Difficult to put myself in words. I'm a simple person from CITY OF JOY KOLKATA, who loves spending time listening to music, biking, going for a drive, a walk besides a lake near by my home, or being online. I'm a part-time poet, part-time writer, part-time creative artist, part-time photographer.I seek challenges; I think I have a huge appetite for challenges. "Challenges are what I seek, Passion is what I put and Success is what I deliver." - that's the way I sum it up. I love music - Rock, Alternative, Old Hindi, in fact I guess anything that sounds good. I love Formula1 like crazy, would be a dream come true if I ever get a chance to be in one of those cars. Speed thrills me, specially when you can feel it on a bike.... I'm one of those who loves speed... I gave up rash driving after a couple of accidents; some of them are quite funny, even laugh over them at times. Something About You... And by this time, even I got to know something about you. You've got lots of patience that you are still reading till this line. Hope I didn't bore you.


Renaissance..herald's new Begning



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  • Sir I Provide Predictive Dialer At Very Cheap Price If You Need Then Feel Free To Contact Me


    Sinchan Sengupta
    NanoSoft Technologies
    Contact- +919804911989
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  • ok nice to read
  • Hi Raj,
    First of all … Thanks for showing your interest
    See i have just started this... what happens in most of the cases we never deal with RPC, we deal with middle men. Now the idea is to trap the RPC and this group will help you in coming days. One more thing to get the benefit of this Plz leave your entire contact details here so that the coming members clients and the consultants can directly approach you and you get the RPC
    Plz leave the following details here
    1. Your name & Your role in company
    2. Your contacts (mobile/ emails/chat ID)
    3. Your company name and URL.
    4. And about your business in short.
    5. And most important, Plz tell us in short about your current business requirement here, like what kind of business do you need?
    So that the concerned Peron will directly approach you.
    Thanks and regards
  • Hi Friends..!
    JOIN MY Discussion and help people to Work direct to get processes and entertain no list of middleman
    Discussion title : BPO Directory..!! (Here Is A Help to Work Direct with Right Party To Get Processes And Entertain No Middleman)
    Details as follows : ….
    I am here by starting this online BPO directory so that the members can go through the people listed under this forum at one go and know about them. I request all members to leave their complete details so that the interested people can take benefit of it and even you also get the benefit of the same.

    The Concept
    It has been observed in most of the cases that many genuine processes have been treated as a FRAUD campaign coz many middle man involved (some time a long list of middle man) in between have made such processes a chance of making money and finally they could not do anything coz they were dependent on their up line middle men. As a result now such processes are wandering here and there in the market and no one is willing to take such processes coz of the poor image of the processes made by the middle men.
    This has badly affected the BPO market coz we really lack the RPC (Right party contact). Now this discussion will help us all to contact …
    1. Direct with the Call center.
    2. Direct with the main outsources.
    3. Direct with the client.
    And also will help us all to minimize the following monetary aspects which increase when many middle men are involved to outsource a single campaign
    1. Upfront cost (which increase when many middle men are involved to outsource a single campaign)
    2. The Royalty (will definitely be reduced coz the consultant and the call center will deal directly with each others)
    3. Transparency will be a major benefit coz we will be independent to talk direct to the concern person.
    I am inviting -- Call centers, Consultants and Clients to post their contact information and all details under this discussion point. I request all the members to not to leave any process details on this discussion. However they can leave their process details in net shall in form of SUBJECT or PROCESS AVALABLE along with their complete contact details.
    I also invite the ideas of other members to make this a complete BPO directory.
    Thanks and regards
    kamal Joshi
    +91- 9889384811
  • Thanks and plz doaccept my Add friend request...!
  • Hi ..! My name is kamal, I am from India.. can we get together for professional growth?
  • Greetings,

    Thank you for joining benprise! please invite all your friends to join on our site.


  • Hello,
    Glad for having you here..Pls invite all your friends too.
    Have a great day!
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