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  • To a joyful present and a well remembered past...Best wishes for Merry Christmas and a magnificent New Year.

    God Bless U ...
  • Hi,

    This is Sam Menezes..

    If you needs UK Leads for Outbound Calls..

    Kindly contact me..

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    For Processes like Survey,Lead Generation,Sales,Insurance,Collection...

    Sam Menezes
    Feel free to contact me
    mobile-: 09769246502
    email -: sammenezes9@gmail.com

    My Skype Id -: sammenezes9
    Gtalk-: sammenezes9
  • hello
    This is Ashish Jadhav from Mumbai. Plz e-mail me the UK DMP details (script and agreement) on ashish.jadhav54@gmail.com. u can visit www.skylerworld.in for our profile.

    Ashish Jadhav
    Skyler World Pvt. Ltd.
  • """""""Hope Everything fine at your end…. Hi, let me know if we could explore opportunities, if there is anything we can work together could be of help, for both. Kindly check my profile"""""""
  • Dear My Friends…

    Hope all are doing good…. We all are got a very good platform to discuss about the opportunities in the BPO & Call Center Industry….Here every one’s goal is to get the right opportunities…for our growth as well as Industrial growth, If Industry growing well then Obviously we all together will be growing… So we need to put our effort to built a strong and genuine business network…Every one should take a oath, for the same to stop the scam in this Industry.….Wish you all the very best and Take this oath today itself…
  • bT*xJmx*PTEyMzc1MzIyMDk1MzEmcHQ9MTIzNzUzMjIxMzQzNyZwPTEyMDc*MSZkPUd3QXNDX*h6RThhNHYzWTEmZz*xJnQ9Jm89OTk3ZmI4YThhMDJiNGM2YzgxYjE5Y2ExMjgzN2M*YzU=.gif
  • Hi, can you generate debt settlement leads for US? Write to me at raienterprises@gmail.com.
  • Hi
    Would like to know what u do as i dont see your profile. You can see my profile.
    Hope if there is something that we can work on..
  • 1586219fli0v23qo2.gif
    Thanks for joining. Pls. invite more of ur friends to join. Add some more of ur pics too and hope u'l be acitve on this site..


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