




About me

I'm with Sierra Atlantic is an Global Enterprise solutions company specialized in the area of ERP, E-Business, CRM, SCM and EAI Product engineering focus - End-to-end services, - helping companies with new product development, - product integration, - Product testing, - Support and Professional services. - SaaS - Scrum Methodology - Currently work with over 65 software companies……… Tier-I companies like Oracle, MircroSoft, Callidus, BEA………. Tier 2 and many emerging companies like Market Tools, Serus, Habeas, Applimation and so on - Quality focus……..very importantly - ISO 9001-27001 certification which lays down controls for information management security, - SAS 70 - BS 7799 - First mid-sized company to have global development centers in India and China….




Sierra Atlantic Inc.,


Manager - Business Development

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  • Dear Harsih
    Welcome. I have large network source of call center connection and good reputation in BPO/KPO/LPO/RPO and other vertical lines.
    I was living in Toronto on north scarborough and came back last year to India.
    Do let me know if i could be of any help or we could work on outsourcing platform and /or any campaigns and projects of any kind, if any.
    Do let me know your thoughts on it
    You can check my profile
    Regards Delete Comment
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    thank you so much for joining and welcome to benprise!!! feel free to post your
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    Thank you for joining benprise! please invite all your friends to join on our site.


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    Glad for having you here..Pls invite all your friends too.
    Have a great day!
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