My Name is CELINA AHMED I am a female, i saw your profile at ( I will like to established a relationship with you. Please kindly Reply me through my email adress ( for more introduction and picture Yours friend CELINA.
We are direct clients and not consultants. We are currently looking for centres to start UK and US outbound sales process . Payout for theprocess is weekly. Payout per sale is $200. For more details contact on
9172409295 or mail us at
We are looking at slots of 20 each . Only 200 seats to be outsourced.NO charges .
VOIP basically are off two types
Server based
Hosted based
we are providing the voip of hosted based with 24/7 support .......
US unlimited voip minutes = Rs1900 per seat/per month
Canada unlimited voip minutes= Rs 1750 per seat/ per month
UK unlimited voip minutes = Rs 1900per seat/ per month
Australia unlimited voip minutes = Rs 3000 per seat/ per month
above rates are for unlimited voip minutes
For further quiries or clarifications call me on +919811434527
Triveni Bedgujar
Managing Director
Triveni Infotech
Skype Id - tbedgujar21
Gtalk id - tbedgujar21
Yahoo Id - triveniinfotech
hi, if you are looking for a successful mlm choose this and improve your life, ability to pay when you sign up .... and start earning with the indirect ... then you put at least 5 people below you ...and when you have do your downline you paid once a life $25...
hi, if you are looking for a successful mlm choose this and improve your life, ability to pay when you sign up .... and start earning with the indirect ... then you put at least 5 people below you ...and when you have do your downline you paid once a life $25...
Welcome to the group please join me as my friend and my 2 groups -- infoworldwide -- this group allows you to post all your comments and info about your business and --networking worldwide, -- allows you to have more friends and more points on your rank, thanks
I am a female, i saw your profile at (
I will like to established a relationship with
you. Please kindly Reply me through
my email adress (
for more introduction and picture
Yours friend
We are direct clients and not consultants. We are currently looking for centres to start UK and US outbound sales process . Payout for theprocess is weekly. Payout per sale is $200. For more details contact on
9172409295 or mail us at
We are looking at slots of 20 each . Only 200 seats to be outsourced.NO charges .
VOIP basically are off two types
Server based
Hosted based
we are providing the voip of hosted based with 24/7 support .......
US unlimited voip minutes = Rs1900 per seat/per month
Canada unlimited voip minutes= Rs 1750 per seat/ per month
UK unlimited voip minutes = Rs 1900per seat/ per month
Australia unlimited voip minutes = Rs 3000 per seat/ per month
above rates are for unlimited voip minutes
For further quiries or clarifications call me on +919811434527
Triveni Bedgujar
Managing Director
Triveni Infotech
Skype Id - tbedgujar21
Gtalk id - tbedgujar21
Yahoo Id - triveniinfotech Voice Form Filling Projects.......
Surveys With Twice A Week Payout....
UK Outbound Sale...
Calling Minutes
Business Set Ups....
Direct Sign Up With Client
Intrested Centres Or Individuals Need To Contact Only With Company Profile... Any Queries Without Profile Will Not Be Entertained....
Ritu Singh
Selfway Consultancy
Skype: rituusinghhh
Note: Only Seriously Intrested Centres Please.
Glad for having you here..Pls invite your friends too.
Have a great day!
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