About me
Hello Dear, I represent eConnoisseur Infotech, an offshore based IT services outsourcing company. With your kind permission, I would like to take two minutes of your time to discuss a mutual business opportunity please. We help our worldwide customers with our Web technology solutions and services, across all Business domains. Web Technology services we offer: - Product Design & Development, Implementation and Maintenance Services - Bespoke Solutions & Custom development of software applications - Interfaces Development & Systems Integration - Platform Migrations - Legacy Applications Enhancements, Maintenance & Support - Applications Customizations, Testing & Verification Services - Search Engine Optimization & Marketing (SEO & SEM) Services for Websites & Internet Applications In addition to the above, eConnoisseur Infotech also helps to worldwide organizations in the following areas; 1. Data Extraction / Parsing Softwares - For these products visit : 2. Animation, 2D, 3D modeling, Financial 3. Online/offline/remote Training & Development - Technology & General skills. 4. PARSING or Data extraction from websites. 5. Other Information Technology Services - ERP, DW/BI, EAI, CRM etc. 6. B2B services. I would be very glad to know, if eConnoisseur Infotech can be of any help and support to your organization or any of your client organizations, in any of the areas shown above please. I appreciate your time. Warm Regards Sameer Madaan ll skype i.d : sam_econn USA : 713-931-7094 India : +91-9915725658 Sales - IT Solutions Connoisseur Infotech Pvt. Ltd. PS: If you feel, any of your associates or colleagues or friends would be interested to take advantage and benefit of eConnoisseur Infotech outsourcing services, you may refer our details to them as well please. Thanks.
eConn Infotech
Sales- I.T Solutions
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